Step by Step
One Step at a Time: I met with Jenn David-Lang, a former teacher and administrator and now she writes the Main Idea. Jenn reads books and then writes detailed summaries so educators can still get the main idea without reading the entire thing. This is an extremely valuable tool for time-starved principals everywhere! We talked about many things, but I always narrow it down to three key takeaways.
Schools are learning places
Bird by Bird
No one is going to tell you what to do next
One Step at a Time: I met with Jenn David-Lang, a former teacher and administrator and now she writes the Main Idea. Jenn reads books and then writes detailed summaries so educators can still get the main idea without reading the entire thing. This is an extremely valuable tool for time-starved principals everywhere! We talked about many things, but I always narrow it down to three key takeaways.
Schools are learning places
Bird by Bird
No one is going to tell you what to do next