2023 Wrap Up Post and Announcements
This week I am highlighting the top 7 blog posts/podcast episodes from 2023! These posts either had the most number of people read the article, react to the post, or listen to the episode. Given all of the awesome people I met with, I didn’t want to limit it to the top 2 or 3. Today’s post will be my top takeaways from looking at all 7 of these interviews together. Now, most people do things like this at the end of the year, but I was taking some time off and I am pairing it with some announcements. Let’s start with announcements before moving on to the takeaways!
It has taken me long enough, but I am happy to announce that my website is up and running. You can find it here: drnickdavies.com. Check this out for information about me, along with finding out when I’ve published articles or been in the media. You can also find contact information to reach out if you ever want to talk or book me for services.
I will be on an Education Week panel on Emotional Intelligence this week on Thursday January 11! Follow this link to register and find out more information.
Feedspot, a ranking website, ranked the podcast in the top 25 for Monday Morning Podcasts! Check out the whole list here.
Now, turning back to the top posts of 2023. After going through all of the information, I couldn’t help but group everything into parts of the Leadership FRAMEwork. The Leadership FRAMEwork was a large focal point of mine during 2023, and I introduced it in depth on the SEEing to Lead Podcast. F - Find Opportunities. R - Relationships. A - Align your values, goals, and passions. M - Master Your Craft. E - Execute and Take Action. Looking ahead to 2024, my main takeaways from today also connect to The Time Starved School Leader (stay tuned as I will release more information on that coming soon!). The 7 top posts were (in order of when I posted them).
Taj Jensen - There is No Endpoint as a School Leader Episode #3
Nathaniel Clark - Never Apologize for the Hustle Episode #5
Mike Murphy - Have the Courage to Strive for Excellence Episode #11
Tracey Eduo - Pay It Forward Episode #18
Bobby Dodd - Get Your Ego Out the Door Episode #26
Matt Dixon - Journey to Your Own Brand of Excellence Episode #28
Jayne Ellsperman - Every Child Should Attend a High Performing School Episode #35